Enjoy the Journey

Our neighbors are embarking on a long-awaited adventure. While making this little card for them, it got me thinking about the many ways we travel through life. We are not meant to be static or still, we are meant to move forward and be ever-changing. Where with each new step, comes a new adventure, a new learning opportunity or a new outlook. Even when the journey is not pleasant, remembering that the true purpose of every step is growth, is often all it takes to being able to ride out the bumps and focus on the view ahead. And if all else fails, at the very least, take away a meaningful lesson ;) More often than not, each journey is the exact path we need to be on at that very moment, and if we look closely enough, we can see the opportunity that lies within.

To start this teeny card, I used a duo of patterns, both colorful and joyous, and a sweet little die-cut doily, using PTI's Parisian Lace Doily and Pink Paislee's Turn the Page paper.

The wee caravans are from American Crafts' Oh Happy Life collection. And just a tiny button for some extra sweetness :) 

If you need a little encouragement to get through a challenging journey, or just a tiny push to step outside your comfort zone and explore the unknown, I hope this card gives you that wee nudge. Life is too short to not be moving, exploring and learning. So go for it and don't look back! Even if you fail miserably, move forward and forge on with no fear! Life will pass either way ;) 

Happy Adventuring!



  1. This is so pretty!! I love the pretty papers that used!! Great design!

  2. What a cute mix of patterns Ivana, this is a darling card!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! It's always so fun to play with crazy colors and fun patterns!

  3. Bright, pretty & fun! Bet they loved it! What a great post--you're so right, Ivanna!

    1. Thanks, Greta! They were were happy and their travels were incredible! Makes me feel a sense of wanderlust big time!


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